Morning Ragas at the Nageswara Rao Park
It was an early start on this Sunday’s summer morning on the first day of May with 12 year old V.U.M Ayshwarya, a student of Modern Sr. Sec School, Nanganallur presenting a lively one hour Mikeless Kutcheri from 630 am in front of an informal gathering at the chess square of the Nageswara Rao Park in Mylapore.
Ayshwarya, who is learning music from Guru Vidwan Shri B Uma Shankar, was accompanied on the Violin by T. Vagadeeswari (Disciple of Melakaveri Shri K.Thiagarajan) and on the Mirudangam by K. Sudev (Disciple of Kalaimamani Thiruvarur Bakthavathsalam).

Ayshwarya presented popular compositions that included Muthuswamy Dikshidhar’s Saraswathi Chayatharangini (Chayatharangini/ Adhi), Papanasam Sivan’s Gajavadhana Karuna Sadhana
(Sriranjani/Adhi), Paradeivam Unaiyandri Unndoo (Poorvi Kalyani/ Adhi) and Thyagrarajar’s Janakiramana (SuddhaSeemandhini/Adhi), Meevalla Gunadhosha (Kaapi/Kandha Chaapu), Nee Nama Rupa Mulagu (Sowrashtram/Adhi) and Bharathiyar’s Pagaivanukkarulvai (Ragamalika / Yekam Thisra Nadai).

All the artistes were presented with certificates and mementos.
No Mikes and speakers are used at the Kutcheri. Organised on the first Sunday of every month by Sundaram Finance, the idea of the Sunday Kutcheri in the Park is to provide opportunities to young budding talent aged below 15 years to present in front of an informal park audience amidst chirping birds and falling leaves.
Certificates and Mementos are presented to the artistes by Sundaram Finance. Over 1000 children have presented Kutcheri to-date since the launch in February 2006. Sundaram Finance conducts audition to select the artistes.
For audition, email:,
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